gps, get and convert coordinates from google maps/wikimapia (or google earth) to gps
Find the place in google maps (or wikimapia):
-go to, enter: arena, zagreb, croatia
or in the google earth, enter: arena, zagreb, croatia (see below, skip to "right click, select properties")
-click on link in the left part. Item will be marked on the map with red "A" balloon.
-right click on it, select "center map here"
-click on blue "link" hyperlink in the top right part of the screen.
-copy first link (select all text, right click on text, select copy.)
-paste in notepad
you will get something like:,+zagreb,+croatia&sll=45.772163,15.943222&sspn=0.020625,0.055103&doflg=ptk&ie=UTF8&hq=Arena+Zagreb&hnear=Arena+Zagreb,+Croatia&ll=45.772193,15.943351&spn=0.020625,0.055103&z=15
search for &sll=45.772163,15.943222&sspn=0.
the coordinates you have are:
multiply everything after the . with 60:
772163*60 = 46329 780
943222*60 = 56593 320
you need just the first 5 digits.
-so coordiantes you need for your gps are (replace everything after the . with the 5 digits you got):
latitude: 45.772163(original data) -> 45°46'329 N (gps data)
longitude: 15.943222(original data) -> 15°56'593 E (gps data)
Second method using Google Earth:
-copy and paste 45.772163,15.943222 to "Google Earth" in "fly to" box. Click on icon for search (magn. glass).
-(you might need to adjust square/box position a little. Actual position is a bit "lower".)
-right click on found square, select properties. You will see this:
latitude: 45°46'19.79"N
longitude: 15°56'35.60"E.
-to convert to gps mode, divide last four digits with 60:
(19.79 without the dot) 1979/60 = 329
(35.60 without the dot) 3560/60 = 593
-so coordiantes you need for your gps are (replace last four digits with the three you got):
latitude: 45°46'329 N
longitude: 15°56'593 E.
You can check in your gps program if the area is ok. Click on "See Map".
google maps/wikimapia
google earth
45°46'329 N
15°56'593 E